Zucchini salad with mint dressing
30-60 Min
Light dish
0-200 Kcal
500 500 gr. zucchini
100 100 gr. apricots
70 70 gr. black cranberries
50 50 gr. rucola
6 6 teaspoon olive oil
3 3 lemon juice
2 2 sugar
50 50 gr. mint
step 1
Properly wash and dry all the ingredients. If zucchini has damaged skin – peel it and cut into thin slices, then cut the slices once again and put them in the bowl.
step 2
Blend lemon juice, mint and olive oil and pour the zucchini with it. Leave for 30 minutes.
step 3
Cut the apricot. Put marinated zucchini on the plate, add already cut apricots, cranberries, and rucola. Pour the salad with the sauce once again.

How To Serve

This salad is an ideal appetizer for hot summer days. Refreshing aroma of mint and Borjomi will help you deal with high temperature.