Khinkali soup
60+ Min
201-500 Kcal

This soup can cure any kind of hangover, even the New Year one! 

400 400 gr. flour
300 300 gr. minced meat
2 2 onions
2 2 eggs
1/2 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
10 10 gr. dill
15 15 gr. parsley
200 200 ml. white dry wine
300 300 ml. cream
250 250 gr. cream cheese
3 3 garlic cloves
Salt to taste
step 1
Place in a bowl flour, salt, and eggs. Add a bit of cold water and knead the dough. Wrap it in a food plastic and keep in fridge for 30 minutes. Add finely chopped onion, red pepper flakes, and salt to minced meat. Mix well.
step 2
Roll out the dough. Cut out 4 mm. diameter ovals and roll them out as well. Place the stuffing inside and wrap small khinkalis. Boil water. Add wine, after two minutes cream and cream cheese. Sprinkle with salt and stir. Add khinkalis and boil for 7 minutes.

How To Serve

Serve along with finely chopped dill and parsley.