Chicken roll "A-la Italiano"
30-60 Min
201-500 Kcal

The best thing you can do with chicken breast is to stuff it with lots of tasty ingredients. Mozzarella, prosciutto, and sun-dried tomatoes will give to this neutral product an unforgettable taste.  

3 3 piece chicken fillets
500 500 gr. prosciutto
100 100 gr. thinly sliced mozzarella
50 50 gr. dried apricots
20 20 gr. raisins
50 50 gr. apples
50 50 gr. spinach
15 15 gr. basil
40 40 gr. corell
70 70 gr. sorrel
120 120 ml. cream
5 5 gr. garlic
100 100 ml. white dry wine
step 1
Cut the fillet in form of butterfly. Wrap in plastic and beat off. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place prosciutto, cheese, dried tomatoes and wrap in a roll. Then wrap the roll in plastic, like candy, tie the ends and cook in boiling water for about 15 minutes.
step 2
At this time, cut two dried tomatoes, dried apricots, raisins, herbs and apples (pour apples with lemon juice). Mix all the ingredients - this will be our salad.
step 3
Remove boiled chicken from water, season with salt, roll in flour and fry.
step 4
For the sauce, chop the garlic, pour the wine and simmer until half the liquid evaporates. After that, pour the cream and stir constantly. At the end, add the finely chopped cheese.

How To Serve

Cut the roll into the rings. Put salad and pour with sauce.