Where do donuts come from and how to make them at home?

2 min read

Where do donuts come from and how to make them at home?

2 min read

Where do donuts come from and how to make them at home?

How was the donut created?

The story of the origin of the doughnut begins in ancient Rome and Greece, the first sources about the dough cooked in fat and honey, originate from here. In the Middle Ages, small dough balls were baked in Arabia and dipped in sugar syrup for sweetening. The tradition of making fried dough spread from the Arabs to Northern Europe - England, Germany, the Netherlands and then the Dutch emigrants brought this tradition to America.

Still, the doughnut is a truly American dessert - the name and the hole in the center of it are right from there. No one loves doughnuts as much as the Americans.   The first automated doughnut machine was invented here in 1920, nowhere in the world is International Donut Day celebrated twice a year (including one National Doughnut Appreciation Day) and finally, nowhere are 2 billion of doughnuts made each year.


The recipe is simple, it only needs patience for the dough to rise well. To prepare donuts you will need:

  • 500 g   flour
  • 2 tbsp instant yeast
  • 80 g sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 90 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 liter  oil
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • Thaw butter, heat up milk.

Place dry ingredients in a large bowl, add the cooled butter, milk, lightly beaten eggs and knead the dough. Knead until you get an elastic, soft dough, about 10-15 minutes.

Cover the dough with a piece or wrap it in plastic, put the dough in a warm place and wait for it to rise, the volume of the dough should double.

Knead the dough and roll it to a height of about 5 cm, cut out the rings, each dough ball should be about 55 grams.

Use a bottle cap or a glass of vodka to make a small hole.

Arrange the cut balls on a floured surface, cover with a tablecloth and leave for the dough to rise   for another 45 minutes.

Boil oil in a saucepan, the temperature should rise to 160 degrees, use a thermometer, then reduce the fire and start frying of the donuts, put 2-2 pieces, when one side is browned, turn over. Arrange the fried donuts on a kitchen towel to remove excess fat and then dip in cinnamon sugar.



Nino Megrelidze