5 healthy habits in the new year

3 min read

5 healthy habits in the new year

3 min read

5 healthy habits in the new year
The first week of the new year is an ideal time to set goals and find ways to achieve them.

If your plans include acquiring new, healthy habits, I think these tips will help you. What is habit - this is an action that our body automatically repeats without any effort or thought. In order for any behavior to become routine, it must be repeated daily at one and the same time.

Relevant studies report that it takes at least 2 months to acquire a new habit. In order to achieve the result, it is important to set specific goals and implement them carefully.  

A little about the benefits of a glass of water

A glass of water on an empty stomach - you have probably read and heard a lot about the usefulness of a glass of water, but for some reason you never managed to start it. Sometimes you are not thirsty, and sometimes you just forget about it.

Anyway, there are many obstacles between you and a glass of water.How to start - Buy a different glass that will only be designated for your water routine. Try warm water, often, especially in winter, cold water on an empty stomach is not pleasant to drink, squeeze a lemon, add honey - find a formula acceptable for you.

Drink much fluid throughout the day- It is proved that, often when we feel hungry, we are actually thirsty. 1 glass of water or mineral water can easily deal with this feeling. Start with 3 glasses of water a day, gradually increasing the amount to 6 glasses. The principle of a different glass functions here as well, put it at a visible place - near the kitchen sink or on your working  table, so that you often see and remember about it.

One glass of mineral water helps us to cleanse our body, enrich it with the necessary minerals and strengthens our immunity.Healthy snack - Always have access to healthy snacks such as dried fruits, nuts, dark chocolate, energy bars, etc. Such snacks will easily get through the feeling of hunger and the desire to have sugar as well.Balance your meals - Increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Try that   ⅓ of your ration is made up of raw fruits and vegetables. According to studies, such people are less likely to get sick with cancer and cardiovascular diseases.Prepare food at home -  you will then better control the amount of calories, fats or sugars that you take in during the day.

Plan a weekly menu, buy weekly supplies, and prepare a variety of foods in one day. Divide into containers and store in the freezer or fridge. Preparation of food in portion will enable you to save a lot of time, energy and finances.


Nino Megrelidze