
     Even Hippocrates in the Antique period knew about health benefits of beetroot, but back then it was only used for medical purposes.

     Beetroot is a gold mine for fiber, apple and citric acids and boosts functioning of the human digestive system. As for the iron consistency, it falls only behind garlic. Beets are also rich in vitamin B complex, known for  impeding process of aging. You will also get potassium, magnesium and other wholesome substances from beets.

     Beet juice hampers cancer development. It benefits heart and brain, stimulates metabolism and weight loss. It's recommended to drink freshly squeezed beet mixed up with an equal amount of fresh carrot juice.

     Not only raw beetroot is healthy, but it is good even boiled. Boiled beets are mostly used in soups. It's impossible to imagine bright red Borscht without Beets, isn't it? It also goes well with salads, even though it usually paints all other ingredients in red. By the way, did you know that there is a method of avoiding this reddening?  

     Spread some oil on boiled and peeled beetroot before cutting it  and it will never paint your salad again.

     Georgians sometimes use beets for coloring their homemade cabbage marinade in nice beetroot red. Beetroot is the main ingredient of original Georgian dish – Beets in Tkemali sauce. It's an easy, cheap, tasty, and a very healthy meal. 

     Cut some nicely boiled and peeled beets with a figural knife and rest the pieces in Tkemali sauce, voilà! Ready! 

     Alongside with beetroot bulbs, Georgian cuisine has recipes even for its leaves. Mostly beet leaves are dressed with walnuts and spices. Sometimes steamed beats and cheese go as a filling in pastry called Chakhrakina.