Tips from Lika Kartozia

In this composition there are varieties of Georgian cheeses that go especially well with mineral water Borjomi and white wine. On this table, you will find fresh cheese as well as - aged cheese that has its own peculiar taste and significance.  

Cheese aged in Saperavi, honey, tinned cheese, which is good with tannin wine, smoked Sulguni, Sulguni, Imerian cheese, goat cheese. Although cheese in Georgia is not considered a dessert, lately cheese plate has become very popular paired with cheese.

There should always be a napkin on the table, first sized plate (main dish plate), cold dish plate which is placed on top. On the left, a small sized plate (bread plate) with butter knife on it. From your left, the first fork is considered the fork of the first dish. A small sized knife and fork means that the salad is the first dish to be consumed. For a fish dish, steak or big sized bird, the forks are placed on the left and the knives - on the right. If there is no soup, the spoon is placed along with the knives. On the opposite side of the plate, meaning above, are dessert tools. If a knife and fork are placed there, it means that cheese plate is the dessert. If there is a spoon long with knife and fork, this means the dessert is - cake. In this case, a spoon is used for the sauce. 

If there is a large spoon, this means that the dessert will be creamy. All tools are necessary for us to eat the right food in the right way. Glasses are put on the right side. The wine glass is placed with the first knife of a main dish, the rest of the glasses are put with other paired drinks.


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