Food in February

February is the last month of winter, warm and good weather is still far away, but the day is already growing significantly. We should not relax our immunity, time to pay special attention to our nutrition, as soon a new period of "viruses" and "colds" will begin. We want to share with you some products that will strengthen and prepare your body for the transition period.
1. Sauerkraut, the most useful of all brines, as it contains A, B and C vitamin in large quantities. Is low in calories. It helps metabolism, the work of the heart, and also helps the work of the gastrointestinal tract. And just gives us a good mood.
2. Pomegranate, contains B6, B12, C, P vitamins, which we so need. Clears blood, promotes the formation of red cells - red blood cells. If you care about the safety of the stomach, due to increased acidity, pomegranate juice can be diluted with carrot juice, which will make it even more useful.
3. Ginger - contains magnesium, silicium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C, which further assists our body in recruiting. Use ginger wherever you can-for food, for tea, for salads. Its unique aroma, thanks to essential oils, helps with headaches, improves memory and cleanses the body of toxins.

Eat healthy and feel happy!

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