Green onions are onion leaves.
Green onions are often called the onion feather for its similarity to the long feathers of birds. In this regard, for the first time, he spread in ancient antiquity ancient pastures from Asia, which were very tasty and fragrant for a poor diet. In ancient Egypt, wrestlers before the competition rubbed their muscles with a green bow for a guaranteed victory. Depending on the variety, the leaves can be flat or tubular, vary in height.
Green onion contains fiber, which improves digestion. Fitontsida, which goddess feathers onions, have disinfecting and antibacterial properties, so the bow can be used as a prophylactic agent for seasonal colds. There are bioflavonoids, which by their nature are natural antioxidants and have an anticarcinogenic effect. The saturated green color of onion feathers indicates the presence of chlorophyll in them, which is involved in blood formation and strengthening of the vascular wall. The composition contains vitamins C, E, K, necessary for good immunity, accelerate hair growth and improve the condition of the skin, as well as some mineral substances, including calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, sulfur, fluorine, phosphorus. It is believed that the white onion feathers have the highest concentration of beneficial substances.
The most expensive thing in green onions is the fleshy white leg, which was up to 10 centimeters from this white part. The rest, the upper part of green onions, is of no special value.
Onions should be tight, not older. If there is an opportunity, it is better to buy onions with roots, so that it can be saved easier and more reliably. Dark green onions have a more pungent, “nuclear” taste compared to light green leaves.