New Year feast Rules

We are all in the joyful anticipation of the beloved holiday since childhood. And what a New Year's Eve without a magnificent meal?


Traditional salads (Olivier, mimosa, herring under a fur coat) all involve the generous use of mayonnaise.

If you look closely at the composition, it turns out that 100 grams contains about 3 grams of protein, 70 grams of fat, 3 grams of carbohydrates, which gives a total of 624 kcal per 100 grams. High calorie sauce due to the large proportion of fat in its composition. And considering that in each serving of lettuce filled with mayonnaise, it is not less than 1 tablespoon (30 grams, which corresponds to 187 kcal.) It is scary to assume how many extra kilocalories are absorbed only at the New Year's table. But the treachery of mayonnaise is largely due not so much to its high energy value, as to its high fat content, the simultaneous use of which often provokes the aggravation of gallstone disease, pancreatitis, gastritis.

It is desirable to confine one, maximum - two salads, seasoned with mayonnaise, making sure that the serving size does not exceed 150 grams.

It is extremely important to remember - the shelf life of salads with mayonnaise dressing does not exceed 4 hours. That is, using the food prepared for the New Year's table the next day, you risk getting food poisoning.

Dish rule.

The traditional New Year's table is always redundant: here you can find appetizers and salads, several hot dishes, fruits, cakes and dessert. I really want to try everything, but the realization of such a desire will not bring pleasure. To avoid overeating and at the same time enjoy a variety of dishes, follow the rule of the plate. Do not limit yourself to the choice of dishes, put everything you liked on one plate and be content with this throughout the festive evening.

Fat meat.

As the main hot dish on New Year's Eve, most often cooks something that is excessively fat: baked pork neck, lamb leg, goose or duck. Excessive animal fat, consumed at night, and even after a long waiting period, causes a real “blow” to the digestive system, and may be the cause of an attack of pancreatitis or cholecystitis. To avoid such unpleasant surprises, choosing a hot meat dish, give preference to low-fat varieties: beef, rabbit, chicken breast or turkey.

Sweet fruits.

From a vase with fruit decorating the table, I want to take a grape, then another and another. It would seem - healthy food, what could be the catch here? However, sweet fruits, especially grapes and bananas, being consumed in the middle of the meal, will certainly provoke bloating. Agree, not the best addition to the holiday! Drink fruits a few hours before the gala dinner, preferring citrus.


But fresh vegetables and herbs are required to eat! Cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce leaves, and spicy herbs, due to their high fiber content, will reduce appetite and prevent overeating.

Storage time.

Gala dinner is served, as a rule, by 10-11 hours and the feast continues not infrequently until the morning. Often, all this time, cooked foods are on the table, that is, they are at room temperature for up to 8 hours. Here the main danger lurks: in salads seasoned with a fat sauce, in conditional desserts with a creamy filling, an opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria that can cause food poisoning reproduce with unlimited speed.


In the bustle of the pre-holiday preparation, people often forget about the drinking regime, and sitting down at the table, they immediately get involved in a string of toasts. Alcohol dehydrates and therefore it is not surprising to get alcohol poisoning even with moderate use of alcohol. Do not forget to drink water throughout the day. On the table must be non-carbonated drinking water.


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