
Mandarin grows on small trees that do not exceed 4 meters. China is considered the birthplace of this unique citrus, and it grows in Spain, Algeria, France, Japan and in the countries of Asia. Mandarin loves moisture, so its breeding area is located in coastal zones.

In the USSR, the mandarin was first brought from Argentina. The best fruit is the one that weighs a lot, despite its small size. Sour tangerines a little more flattened than the rest. Clementines are more fragrant and sweet tangerines, and this variety is stored for more than 1 month. And in general, when storing a mandarin, the main thing to remember is not to allow it to dry.

The composition looks like this: 0.6-1.1% citric acid, sugar, vitamins - - A, D, K, B4, thiamine and vitamin C, the skin contains 1-2% of essential oils and carotene. Mandarin contains Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, Sodium and Potassium. Its main composition is water, which in tangerines is 85-87%.

Mandarin is a dietary product that can strengthen immunity and improve the flow of vital body processes.
Its phytocidal properties act as an antimicrobial agent that fights against the fungus that causes skin diseases.

Mandarin peel made tinctures for the treatment of vomiting, stomach disorders and colds.

Mandarin goes very well to salads, desserts and almost all kinds of dishes. It produces very tasty sauces for meat and fish dishes.


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