Flavory and bright tarragon has a very special taste and it's rich in vitamins A, B, E, as well as in essential oils, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, etc.
Tarragon is frequently used in cookery, as well as in perfumery and medicine. Tarragon can be found in soups, salads, sauces, pies, baked goods, juices, teas, marinades, non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. Its piquant taste refreshes every dish. Usage of this herb must be moderate, as its taste might dominate others. Very popular Georgian lemonade is made out from tarragon extract. Tarragon is one of the most important ingredients of a very tasty Georgian dish – Chakapuli. Those who follow fasting, use potatoes instead of meat in Chakapuli, which also tastes good thanks to the tarragon. The herb is also perfect for people who keep a saltless diet. Tarragon will turn your saltless food into a tastier meal. It is mostly used fresh, as dried tarragon has a weak taste and flavour.and it's not worth preserving. If you add few of its stems in a bottle of vinegar in a month your vinegar will get a different taste. The same principle applies to tarragon flavoured oil and vodka.
Here is a simple recipe for a tarragon sauce:
Blend 100 ml olive oil, 30 ml white wine vinegar, 3-4 stems of minced tarragon and a pinch of salt and pepper. You can use it as a salad dressing or in fish, meat and vegetable dishes.