Homemade fajitas

Fajitas is really tasty Mexican dish which is really easy to prepare at home. 

You will need: 

1 kg. chicken fillet 

500 gr. onion 

500 gr. bell pepper 

6-7 cloves of garlic 

100 ml. soy sauce

1 lemon juice 

200 gr. sour cream 

How to cook:

Cut chicken, onion and bell pepper. Put into a big bowl, pour with soy sauce, lemon juice and a bit of oil. Season with salt and pepper. Add garlic and store in the fridge for 2 hours. 

Cook in a big saucepan with the sour cream. 

You can also make tortillas. 

You will need: 

200 gr. flour 

1 egg 

Water and salt


Mix all the ingredients. The dough should be thick. Roll it out and fry on a pan. 

Serve together.


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